EAZA Ex Situ Programme (EEP)

Buffy tufted ear marmoset

(Buffy tufted ear marmoset)

Institution:   Vacant

EAZA Member Area

IUCN Red List status

IUCN Red List EN


Programme roles

Direct Conservation icon  Insurance
Although there are very few individuals held under human care, the ex situ population could have an important role in providing insurance in case of catastrophes striking (part of) the wild population. The establishment of a future ex situ population to function as an insurance population and to act as a source is a priority for the species conservation. Planning is required on how to implement this in practice, on national level. After establishing an ex situ population in Brazil (in-range), the recommendation is to expand the ex situ population outside Brazil (outside range).

The future ex situ population should function as a source for population restoration management activities through setting up a triage stage and a captive centre for animals that would come in from the wild and could potentially go back out into safe areas in the natural range.

 Expertise (lobbying)
The international ex situ community offers expertise on managing/assessing the threat of hybridization of the in situ population and provides input on metapopulation management strategies.

Generate financial support for implementation of in situ conservation measures.

 Expertise (planning)
Where required, the ex situ community shares their conservation expertise and research knowledge in strategic planning sessions and/or in situ conservation activities.

 Training (ex situ)/Expertise (in-range)
The international ex situ community should support capacity building in population management and in husbandry training for all ex situ holding institutions (keeping the species ex situ).

Programme partners

Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservacao da Biodiversidade



Programme numbers

This species is currently not held in EAZA.

Programme highlights

  • The Callitrichid TAG has an active Facebook group that is open to those working with callitrichids.
  • The Callitrichid TAG has a playlist on YouTube with videos about Callitrichids.