Coordinator: Michael Livingstone
Institution: Edinburgh Zoo
• Education The main role of the King penguin EEP, is to function as an ambassador for all other penguins species which face the same threats in the wild but are more threatened by extinction then the king penguin. • Research The EEP does not actively coordinate research, but does aim to facilitate research that is initiated by EEP participants or in situ partners, if it may contribute to conservation. There is still a lack of clarity regarding this species' taxonomy for which molecular genetic work could help. Since the origin of the founders of the EAZA population is known, sample collection within EAZA may ultimately aid field research. The spread and impact of different diseases, such as Aspergillosis and Malaria. • Fundraising As a charismatic species, the King penguin would help raise funds for other threatened penguin species. |
• Exhibit The species is a very attractive species that is popular with the public. |
In January 2022, the King penguin EEP had 357 animals in 23 institutions.
This work is supported by the European Union LIFE NGO funding programme. The European Union is not responsible for the views displayed in publications and/or in conjunction with the activities for which the grant is used.