EAZA Ex Situ Programme (EEP)

Michie's tufted deer

(Elaphodus cephalophus michianus)

 Janno Weerman
Institution:   Diergaarde Blijdorp

EAZA Member Area


Rotterdam Zoo

IUCN Red List status

IUCN Red List NT


Programme roles

Direct Conservation icon  Insurance
On species level the population is expected to be in significant decline and is close to qualifying for Vulnerable – this includes the subspecies. As there currently is no coordinated programme within the region, the EAZA population of Elaphodus cephalophus michianus could be developed to function as an insurance population.

The ex-situ population can support taxonomy research in situ by providing sample material from the ex-situ population and funding.  If taxonomic research is needed EAZA can facilitate this by bringing researchers on board. 
Non Conservation icon  Education
This subspecies is a good example to teach visitors about evolutionary distinctiveness of the tufted deer. 

Programme numbers

In November 2022 the Michie’s tufted deer EEP had 34 animals in 13 institutions. 

Programme highlights

  • The EAZA Deer TAG has a very active facebook page where they regularly share news stories about deer species. 
  • EAZA Members Leipzig Zoo and Twycross Zoo both have factsheets about the Michie’s tufted deer. 
  • EAZA published its 2021 Annual TAG Report
  • In Zooquaria 109 (autumn 2020) the Deer TAG published an article about their RCP

Best Practice Guidelines