EAZA Ex situ Programme (EEP)

Santa Cruz ground dove

(Alopecoenas sanctaecrucis)

 Luis Carlos Neves
Institution:   Mandai Wildlife Reserve

EAZA Member Area


Mandai wildlife group

IUCN Red List status


IUCN Red List EN


Programme roles

Direct Conservation icon  Ark
This role contemplates the possibility to maintain a long-term ex situ population to preserve options for future populations should the species become extinct in the wild. It’s already ongoing with good results at Jurong Bird Park (Singapore) and it requires active demographic and genetic management.

As confiscations occur, it may be possible to bring in wild individuals and where deemed appropriate, into the ex-situ population. 

 Population restoration

 Ex situ research
The ex situ population provides the opportunity to study the habits and breeding biology of the Santa Cruz ground dove. This role is ongoing already in the existing colony at Jurong Bird Park.

• Conservation education
 In range education with focus on raising awareness on Santa Cruz ground dove conservation. The menace of poaching that threatens endemic species needs to be reduced in country.
Indirect Conservation icon  Capacity building and fieldwork
This role focuses on training and sharing knowledge with the staff managing the facility at Solomon Islands and local land owners.

 Conservation education
Holders can use the species to educate visitors about the rescue operation, the issues of illegal trade, poaching and confiscations. 

Programme partners

Solomon islands logo



Programme numbers

In December 2021, the Moose EEP had 101 animals in 1 institutions.

Programme highlights

  • The IUCN Species Survival Commission Pigeon and Dove Specialist Group has a very active Facebook page where they regularly publish newstories.
  • EAZA has published its 2021 Annual TAG report